Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Time to make like a baby...

and head out. We're rolling out in a few minutes, see you in the dust!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Getting ready to Burn

Last year we had three virgin Burners on the trip with us. In order to help them prep we started sending daily mails with things to consider. I figured we should keep those, since the Angry Youth is going this year, and he needs the pointers too. Here we go:

Today’s topic: the weather
It will be hot, like 85-100 degrees hot. It will be cold, like 40 at night sometimes. It might rain, but probably not much and not for long. It will be windy as fuck. Make sure you plan for these extremes. In the evening, Sparky generally wears long pants when he heads out for the night. I have a long coat I tend to wear. You need a sleeping bag that goes to 32 degrees. Luckily they are cheap. We have some at the house, so don’t buy and bring, but be prepared to possibly have to buy one at Walmart on the way.
It’s a good thing to pack your clothes in plastic bags. I usually pack a bag of underwear, a bag of socks, a bag of shirts, etc. and then a bag with a single change of clothes for the trip home that I change into after we get to the hotel on Sunday night after the Burn. I always bring enough socks and underwear for every day we are gone + 2 extras. On shirts and shorts, not so much since I wind up wearing the same thing for several days.
Bring good socks and a pair of shoes or boots that you can comfortably wear 16-20 hours per day. Bring flip flops. Don’t bring anything you are super attached to, the playa tends to completely alter things, sometimes not for the better.
You also need a dust mask and goggles. GET SOMETHING COMFORTABLE. You may be wearing them all day long.
Pack like you are going camping. We know that everyone will have at least one large Rubbermaid container for their crap. We might be able to squeeze one more for each, but that's going to be it.  
I can attest to just how cold it gets at 4am.  It's amazing how much of a change it is from day to night.  Frankly, I don't understand how some of the girls stay in their miniscule costumes all night without freezing to death.  Costumes don't have to be as elaborate at night so long as you are lit.  No darkwads allowed!
I went in sneakers the first couple of years until I figured out that the mesh was letting in too much playa.  I've switched over to full leather combat boots and couldn't be happier with my footwear.  As he said, good socks as a little slice of heaven out there.  Fresh socks, bacon, and a pickleback are all you need.  

Sunday, August 10, 2014


After a lot of troubleshooting, a shot of ether into the intake seems to have fixed up Philip's woes. He fired right up, and has reliably started several times since then! Today we're going to do a test run on the highway.